Dear fellow inmates, i mean freedom fighters. Sorry for this but after watching lots of Al-Jazeerah, it finally hits me. We should no longer be afraid of voicing out our grievances against govt's depts inefficiencies and failures in promoting local talent or at least believing in locals as budding technopreneurs who can one day succeed, given real support instead of intimidation.

No, no i am not saying that we are living under a 30 year dictatorship. I am saying we are living in a P. Ramlee's era of been afraid to voice out and that is why P. Ramlee died a pauper, broken man, broken in by his own country.

What Tahrir's Square teaches us is that today's youth and mostly in are indeed hungry for change and self-sufficiency in using FOSS, but lacked the support the govt supposedly is there for, which sadly comes in bits and scraps, some big RM10m promise and then silence and denials as well as diversions and excuses. We are worse than Tahrir Square.

Such big events happening across the thousand year history of Sahara desert must bring something home to us. It must at least stir us to reach for more solidarity and courage to kick ass. I once again call for the formation of an adhoc committee (non-registered, to hell with ROS) for MOSS to put political pressure on the govt to change the unwritten policy of supporting proprietary software and paying lip service to FOSS all this while.


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