Indeed, reviving spirit of OSS supporter. I like the change....

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:58 PM, red1 <> wrote:

> Dear fellow inmates, i mean freedom fighters. Sorry for this but after
> watching lots of Al-Jazeerah, it finally hits me. We should no longer be
> afraid of voicing out our grievances against govt's depts inefficiencies and
> failures in promoting local talent or at least believing in locals as
> budding technopreneurs who can one day succeed, given real support instead
> of intimidation.
> No, no i am not saying that we are living under a 30 year dictatorship. I
> am saying we are living in a P. Ramlee's era of been afraid to voice out and
> that is why P. Ramlee died a pauper, broken man, broken in by his own
> country.
> What Tahrir's Square teaches us is that today's youth and mostly in
> are indeed hungry for change and self-sufficiency in using FOSS, but lacked
> the support the govt supposedly is there for, which sadly comes in bits and
> scraps, some big RM10m promise and then silence and denials as well as
> diversions and excuses. We are worse than Tahrir Square.
> Such big events happening across the thousand year history of Sahara desert
> must bring something home to us. It must at least stir us to reach for more
> solidarity and courage to kick ass. I once again call for the formation of
> an adhoc committee (non-registered, to hell with ROS) for MOSS to put
> political pressure on the govt to change the unwritten policy of supporting
> proprietary software and paying lip service to FOSS all this while.
> red1
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