erk.. apa kes ni? ada my1OS.. hu3 nk satu CD.. nk try la.. xkn xblh kot..
xpun bg je link blh sy download..

2011/2/27 simpleLinux <>

> nope, who said I have not yet tested the my1os?
> sorry, it's just my opinion.. as said by sweemeng ng, we are harmless.. ;p
> don't worry
> (p/s do not be TOO PROUD it will make you a failure)
> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 8:58 PM, red1 <> wrote:
>> Dev,
>> Since i started this thread and now i know that the accusation is
>> baseless, i withdraw this accusation with sincere apology. Hope to meet up
>> with your team to figure out 'perjuangan yang lebih besarrrrr' :)
>> On 2/27/11 8:18 PM, Dev wrote:
>>> Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera pada semua.
>>> I'm thrill to this thread and issues address by my honorable members.
>>> Thank you for bringing this up to us. We do appreciate all views and
>>> criticism positively.But i can't hesitate to ask, do you guys have
>>> evidence support such accusation saying that we're "sapu duit gomen" .
>>> If so, would kindly please present (in flesh and blood) your
>>> accusations regarding this issue. I'd love to see it.
>>> @simpleLinux
>>> I appreciate your views on our products, if you want to purchase from
>>> us, do send me an email with your contact details and payment so that
>>> i can personally send it to your doorstep. Holding grudge againts us
>>> doesn't make any of the situation good. We are in the opensource
>>> world, i'm asking you as a sign of good faith or brother-in-arms, to
>>> let it go and let the majority user who uses my1os judge us.
>>> Alas i may recall, maybe this is one of the reason as to why
>>> opensource in Malaysia doesn't well grown to maturity, as the factor
>>> of "holding grudge" againts and condemning each other comes into play.
>>> For goodness sake, we are one of you and you are one of us. We, the
>>> developer doesn't condemn each other, or do we? Or backstabbing
>>> someone and be hypocrite about it, do we? Just to clear this up, who
>>> is our real enemy? The real enemy is ourselves. Other than that, i
>>> rest my case.
>>> Above all, i would humbly ask for apology if there's any words coming
>>> from my keyboard and my mind that doesn't suit well to the majority of
>>> this mailing list as i would humbly remind myself that,
>>>  "Think before you open your mouth"
>>> all the time.
>>> Have a nice weekend guys,
>>>  Assalamualaikum, salam sejahtera pada semua.
>>> On Feb 27, 2:22 pm, simpleLinux<>  wrote:
>>>> Bak kata SM Salim " Apa Nak Jadi, Apa dah Jadi" hahahahaha..
>>>> Pandangan saya: Diorang ni guna kerajaan untuk mempromosikan produk
>>>> mereka
>>>> dan berbangga dengan nya. Depa kutuk saya kata "Sekurang2 nya kami
>>>> adalah
>>>> sistem operasi "PERTAMA" yang mendapat pengiktirafan kerajaan" melalui
>>>> replay di fb. dan mereka juga dapat mengaut keuntungan dengan alasan
>>>> "sistem
>>>> operasi ni takde virus la bro...".. masih menggunakan repo drpd Ubuntu
>>>> ;p..
>>>> nak guna model perniagaan Red Hat..
>>>> mungkin boleh la diorang hire developer bijak (bijak?) diseluruh negara
>>>> untuk membantu diorang sikit2 melumpuhkan nama Ubuntu drpd distribusi tu
>>>> untuk menggantikannya dengan my1os utk mengaburi mata orang hahahaha..
>>>> senangnya nak mengaut keuntungan drpd open source, dah nama "SUMBER
>>>> rembat je, modify sikit2 tambah compiz fusion utk menarik minat orang
>>>> lain,
>>>> tambah key cain 30 sen dengan support 50 sen dan charge RM 100...
>>>> hihihihi
>>>> xD jangan marah dengan kata2 pedas ini.. (kalau nasib baik tak kena
>>>> quote)
>>>> On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 3:09 AM, riZer Enterprise<
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> geng putera
>>>>> 2011/2/27 Haris bin Ali<>:
>>>>>> Tradisi bisnes bumiputra Malaya?
>>>>> //
>>>>> On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:05 AM, red1<>  wrote:
>>>>>>> I just got this sms from a friend who knows nothing about IT,
>>>>>>> "Apa tu MY1OS?.. Budak2 sapu dana kerajaan saja".
>>>>> This is not my opinion. I got the sms to prove for such an opinion from
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> member of the public. I hate to be in controversy but what to do. We
>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> surrounded by it.
>>>>> I replied to him this,
>>>>>>> "Gomen malas berfikir. Inovasi kene fikir dalam2. Kene cari inovator
>>>>>>> yg
>>>>>>> cerdik, payah. Asyik yg kaki hentam belaka, kononnya terlalu high
>>>>>>> std.
>>>>>> Maka
>>>>>> sapu jela lagi senang. Lagipun, cepat dapat, cepat makan bersama-sama.
>>>>>> :)"
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> "There IS a Malaysian Linux Distro"
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