
@Garfield WTF

I'm not shooting everyone in this thread. my post are only for simplelinux.
the way he make accusation are baseless. he didn't know us or meet us, so
why he just come here and bashing us? is it he feel threaten? there's a lot
of untrue story wondering around the net about my1os. so please, there's so
little info about my1os that you know, don't judge us by only reading other
people post. simplelinux just testing our beta version ( he did not mention
it... right? ), we know GPL, we know about open source law.. and we DID NOT
use ubuntu repo ~!!. since this is my last post, i just wanna say,
"simplelinux or anyone who did not like my1os, go on with your hatred, we
dont care because we will move on to the next level, and you can stay behind
... with your hatred, accusation and your "Fitnah".

This is my last post. so sad when people choose to believe what they read
and believe baseless accusation.


On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, Umarzuki Bin Mochlis Moktar <> wrote:

>  didn't know slax/slackware use dpkg
> On 02/28/2011 02:03 AM, Garfield WTF wrote:
> Oi! WTF is wrong with you guys!?
> People from distros which uses dpkg fighting each other!?
> WTF!?
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