hahah.ye kot.ak pn xigt.tp kalo xslp,die penah kuar kat majalah pc
dlu.kalo xslp mimos yg wat.

2011/3/9 Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini <jipangmenje...@gmail.com>:
> 2011/3/9 darXness darXness <darxl...@gmail.com>
>> lame xdgr makcik pc.rase da jdik nenek kot.huhuhu
> dah ramai dah cucu cicit dia..sebab seingat aku makcik pc keluar masa zaman
> P4 HT 2.4Ghz, plus aku tingkatan 2 kalau tak silap
>> 2011/3/9 Soire Meira <soire...@gmail.com>:
>> > device apa tu?
>> >
>> > Pada 9 Mac 2011 9:27 AM, Muhd Syazwan Md Khusaini
>> > <jipangmenje...@gmail.com>
>> > menulis:
>> >>
>> >> I still do hope to see MakCik PC with Ubuntu Remix..ada siapa-siapa
>> >> boleh
>> >> dapatkan device tu tak? :p
>> >>
>> >> 2011/3/9 Khalid Mohd <ichinee...@gmail.com>
>> >>>
>> >>> terima kasih kepada rakan di osdc.my kerana sokongan yang diberikan.
>> >>> sila
>> >>> beri tunjuk ajar. kami di FiMOS akan sentiasa mengambil positif setiap
>> >>> teguran dan kritikan dalam menambahbaik FiMOS. diharap rakan2 sudi
>> >>> memberi
>> >>> tunjuk ajar.
>> >>>
>> >>> 2011/3/9 Raja Iskandar Shah <rajaiskand...@gmail.com>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> thank you for the clarification
>> >>>>
>> >>>> best wishes on your bold initiative.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> there will be many challenges, therefore many opportunities to learn.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> and plenty of opportunities to collaborate, esp on malay / chinese /
>> >>>> tamil localisation - and the many more more languages and dialects,
>> >>>> then we
>> >>>> would truly have a my1os : 1 os for all malaysians.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> back in 2004 drb-hicom it released its' own distro using an icon
>> >>>> based
>> >>>> desktop interface. a unique approach for a computer. but now, we have
>> >>>> the
>> >>>> ipad, the android tablet, the 'controversial' ubuntu unity .... a few
>> >>>> years
>> >>>> back, mimos also released the makcik pc, which used icons for the
>> >>>> desktop
>> >>>> interface on a tablet, unfortunately, it did not go to market (maybe
>> >>>> too
>> >>>> many critical comments). having said that i have been using the
>> >>>> ubuntu
>> >>>> netbook for more than 1 year now, and i love the icon interface
>> >>>> desktop.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> therefore, these type of evolution is good. the first may not be
>> >>>> good,
>> >>>> the second may be a disaster, but hopefully the third will be a
>> >>>> leader. have
>> >>>> lots of patience and pay close attention to your customers.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> best wishes and good luck.
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>> 2011/3/9 [dev]Data Code <codemas...@yahoo.com>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> W,salam w.b.t,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Terima kasih tuan Haris dan kepada semua rakan sekelian. Kami
>> >>>>> berharap
>> >>>>> kehadiran kami tidak membebankan mana mana pihak dan insyallah kami
>> >>>>> sedaya upaya untuk memastikan yang terbaik pada semua pihak. Segala
>> >>>>> tunjuk ajar dan komentar amatlah dihargai dan diucapkan setinggi
>> >>>>> terima kasih.
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> On Mar 9, 2:34 am, Harisfazillah Jamel <linuxmalay...@gmail.com>
>> >>>>> wrote:
>> >>>>> > Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera,
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Buat rakan-rakan di FiMOS
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > First at all tahniah .... Saya tak kesempatan lagi hendak mencuba.
>> >>>>> > Memang ada hajat hendak format NB di rumah yang semakin slow.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > First of all tulisan saya adalah pandangan peribadi.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > By launching FiMOS, we are opening a Pandora box. Macam-macam akan
>> >>>>> > timbul. Saya rasa ada antara kita akan rasa tidak puas hati, rasa
>> >>>>> > tak
>> >>>>> > betul, rasa mcm nak komen, kurang setuju dan semua negatiflah.
>> >>>>> > Termasuklah saya pada masa dahulu..
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Tapi, itukan tabiat lama. Tabiat yang kita selalu buat untuk
>> >>>>> > bancuh
>> >>>>> > dan basuh team lain.... Apa kata kali ini kita bersikap sebagai
>> >>>>> > tuan
>> >>>>> > rumah yang menerima tetamu baru. Yang masih baru dalam dunia OSS.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Rakan baru kita ini adalah newbies dengan OSS, masih merangkak
>> >>>>> > kita
>> >>>>> > kata, tapi mereka ada peneraju yang berjiwa belia mahu cepat ke
>> >>>>> > depan
>> >>>>> > :) ... Berlari dah ni.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > So kita ambil sikap terbuka. Sebagi komuniti OSS yang sudah lama,
>> >>>>> > sudah matang dan punya pandangan luas, we have to e open up. Kita
>> >>>>> > perlu bantu mereka dan pandu mereka.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Instrak dan FiMOS (My1OS) team telah secara terbuka berjumpa
>> >>>>> > dengan
>> >>>>> > banyak pihak, termasuk saya dan beberapa lagi rakan-rakan
>> >>>>> > komuniti.
>> >>>>> > Mereka telah menerima baik pandangan kita. Malah rakan-rakan OSS
>> >>>>> > dalam
>> >>>>> > agensi-agensi turut memberikan pandangan dalam pelbagai perkara.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Tapi kita perlu sedar FiMOS bukan sahaja projek pembangunan. Ia
>> >>>>> > adalah
>> >>>>> > satu usaha dan projek melibatkan 20 orang dan pelaburan modal
>> >>>>> > bukan
>> >>>>> > sahaja untuk pembangunan malah marketing, sale, support, helpdesk
>> >>>>> > dan
>> >>>>> > pelbagai.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Banyak perkara perlu dibuat dalam satu jangka masa yang pendek.
>> >>>>> > Banyak
>> >>>>> > perkara perlu baru perlu dipelajari.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > OSS adalah satu dunia yang berlainan ... Kita perlu bagi masa dan
>> >>>>> > peluang untuk orang lain yang mahu bersama untuk mencuba, jatuh
>> >>>>> > bangun
>> >>>>> > kita bantu dan kita tekad memberikan jalan.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Saya dah tengok banyak OS daripada kita hilang dalam angin. So
>> >>>>> > untuk
>> >>>>> > kali yang ini, kita cari jalan bagaimana kita boleh membantu dan
>> >>>>> > saling membantu.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Rakan-rakan kita dalam FiMOS bersikap terbuka dengan kita, so kita
>> >>>>> > juga perlu bersikap terbuka dengan mereka.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Untuk Distros Workshop 26 March ini nanti, kita bincang bersama
>> >>>>> > apa
>> >>>>> > kita sebagai komuniti boleh sumbangkan dan apa yang mereka boleh
>> >>>>> > belajar daripada kita untuk membolehkan mereka bergerak dalam OSS.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Tak jauh mana pun kita. Masih 1Malaysia :)
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Wassalam.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > Harisfazillah Jamel
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > OSDC.my
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > On Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 1:40 AM, [dev]Data Code
>> >>>>> > <codemas...@yahoo.com>
>> >>>>> > wrote:
>> >>>>> > > Thank you for your interest in FiMOS, yes sir, we did the
>> >>>>> > > re-branding
>> >>>>> > > of our distro which is formerly known as my1os to FiMOS and as
>> >>>>> > > of
>> >>>>> > > now,
>> >>>>> > > we are officially known as FiMOS.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > > As per Ms. Lisa Surihani appear on that page is simply to show
>> >>>>> > > that
>> >>>>> > > we
>> >>>>> > > are in support of her since we are handling her official website
>> >>>>> > > too.
>> >>>>> > > Thank you again for your concern dear sir and please do join us
>> >>>>> > > at
>> >>>>> > > our
>> >>>>> > > Facebook page and our official FiMOS page atwww.fimos.myfor
>> >>>>> > > further
>> >>>>> > > news and information.
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > > On Mar 8, 3:09 pm, Raja Iskandar Shah <rajaiskand...@gmail.com>
>> >>>>> > > wrote:
>> >>>>> > >> what has lisasurihani got to do with fimos ?
>> >>>>> >
>> >>>>> > >> at first i thought it was an advert, but no - it is an actual
>> >>>>> > >> block.
>> >>>>> > >> intriguing ...
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> --
>> >>>>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >>>>> http://portal.mosc.my/osdc-my-mailing-list-information
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> MOSC2011 http://fb.me/mosc2011
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> >>>>> http://survey.mosc.my/mosc-survey-2011-awareness-oss-cert
>> >>>>
>> >>>> --
>> >>>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >>>> http://portal.mosc.my/osdc-my-mailing-list-information
>> >>>>
>> >>>> MOSC2011 http://fb.me/mosc2011
>> >>>>
>> >>>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> >>>> http://survey.mosc.my/mosc-survey-2011-awareness-oss-cert
>> >>>
>> >>> --
>> >>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >>> http://portal.mosc.my/osdc-my-mailing-list-information
>> >>>
>> >>> MOSC2011 http://fb.me/mosc2011
>> >>>
>> >>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> >>> http://survey.mosc.my/mosc-survey-2011-awareness-oss-cert
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Muhd Syazwan @ jipang_menjerit
>> >>
>> >> http://about.me/syazwan/bio
>> >>
>> >> http://blog.ubuntuseekers.com
>> >> http://blog.syazwan.co.cc
>> >>
>> >> jipangmenje...@gmail.com
>> >> jipang_menje...@ubuntuseekers.com
>> >> One Online Radio :: Radio yang Suka Bercakap
>> >> http://radio.syazwan.co.cc
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> >> http://portal.mosc.my/osdc-my-mailing-list-information
>> >>
>> >> MOSC2011 http://fb.me/mosc2011
>> >>
>> >> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> >> http://survey.mosc.my/mosc-survey-2011-awareness-oss-cert
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> >
>> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> > Maui Sabily 2011
>> > GPG KeyID: DBDA3074
>> > GPG Fingerprint: 3CCE D281 C894 4FB0 3D22 2141 75C6 E41F DBDA 3074
>> >
>> > Soire Meira 2008 - 2011
>> > EascobaNET, Inc 2006 - 2010
>> > Ch0kL@Thack 2002
>> > PaleoY2K 1998 - 2000
>> >
>> > http://www.sabily.my
>> > http://www.sabily-my.tk
>> >
>> > Developer:
>> > Sabily NetBook Remix 10.10 Al-Quds
>> > Sabily Zakat Calc 0.2-1 Beta (Debian)
>> > Asmawi Office 0.1 Alpha (Webase Presentiton)
>> > Soire TV & Radio (Windows Only - continue version on Linux)
>> > BrutuSamaDia (Remote Desktop Penetration Testing)
>> > Mauiware.AYU.0.6 (Virus Cleanner & Get Back Hidden Files)
>> >
>> > Malicious of Dark Knight - "Hack To Learn, Don't Learn To Hack"
>> >
>> > --
>> > To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> > http://portal.mosc.my/osdc-my-mailing-list-information
>> >
>> > MOSC2011 http://fb.me/mosc2011
>> >
>> > MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> > http://survey.mosc.my/mosc-survey-2011-awareness-oss-cert
>> >
>> --
>> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
>> http://portal.mosc.my/osdc-my-mailing-list-information
>> MOSC2011 http://fb.me/mosc2011
>> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
>> http://survey.mosc.my/mosc-survey-2011-awareness-oss-cert
> --
> Muhd Syazwan @ jipang_menjerit
> http://about.me/syazwan/bio
> http://blog.ubuntuseekers.com
> http://blog.syazwan.co.cc
> jipangmenje...@gmail.com
> jipang_menje...@ubuntuseekers.com
> One Online Radio :: Radio yang Suka Bercakap
> http://radio.syazwan.co.cc
> --
> To unsubscribe from and detail about this group
> http://portal.mosc.my/osdc-my-mailing-list-information
> MOSC2011 http://fb.me/mosc2011
> MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification
> http://survey.mosc.my/mosc-survey-2011-awareness-oss-cert

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MOSC Survey 2011 Awareness Of OSS Certification

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