Buat kopi macamane mau kasi Sifu? Tak boleh lah.

On 4/4/11 2:54 PM, Mohd Murtadha Mohamad wrote:
From distance boleh ka?

On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 11:54 AM, red1 <r...@red1.org> wrote:
I have vacancy for a Malaysian based apprentice that has to carry the sifu's bag and be taught the latest in Java martial arts.
Requirements: Straight As in SPM / O Levels double maths and Science and English. Passion. Within 5 minutes i will tell you if you make the cut.
Areas that you will master from the sifu: Open Source apps such as Eclipse, ADempiere, Fitnesse, OSGi and heading for Java version 8.

Renumeration: USD0 per mth X 12 mths + 10% of revenue = +USD10k per annum.
Possible side reward if you still around the sifu: All expense 1 mth paid travel to Paris in next year FOSS happenings there. I will try to introduce you to Marc Fleury and i will teach u some survival French to avoid getting slapped by the ladies there.
Career path: Within 1 year can enter the global job market which advertised for such developer at 48k p.a. British pounds (that was 2 years ago). With a letter from the sifu you ought to get home safely.
Caveat: Can be fired within 24 hrs for failing to make good coffee for the sifu.


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