this article includes a response from the pm and tricubes

fortunately i dont work at tricubes

my sister used to work there before she quit about 5 years ago. she was a
programmer doing the mobile smart card devices.

by the way, anyone knows of any applicable technology that can be used for
renewable energy / energy savings - i know of a glc who might be interested.
any systems for monitoring / self-diagnosis of electricity consumption would
be quite nice

On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 10:00 PM, Mohd Fazli Azran <>wrote:

> I love malaysia. :)
> Many news and many people have their own way to thinking and give various
> feedback. Many people still confuse what ETP for. Please read what ETP for.
> I not worried about this 50m project because it not from our gov public fund
> but it from private fund. This project was propose by tricubes to gov to
> make 1malaysia email. Because we not propose anything to our gov, our
> community just love to voice, blame, flame war and talk and talk and give
> good idea and many suggestion but who want to execute and implement it? Who?
> Don't blame tricubes because they get endorse by our gov about the project
> but blame our self why until now we not yet publish or do something and
> propose to our gov that we can do also same like tricubes do.
> What we must do now is proposal and paperwork and sent to our gov. We have
> many agency that we can propose like mimos, tpm, mdec, mampu, mcmc, intan,
> unik, miti, smidec, smecorp, terajun, pemandu and others.
> If we want beat tricubes we need to be like them too. We have many various
> level people in this group and of course many geek too and until now we
> still not unite and still talk behind each others and curse each others.
> If we done like above and we have the right voice to consult our gov why
> must use this and this. We done our part and then we have a right to blame
> our gov heheheh. Until now we not do like that as community but many people
> done but only for individually. So we are no where because we not voice as
> one.
> As above topic project maybe some one are behind that funded them the fund
> 50m to make 1malaysia email become reality. I don't want to know who are
> behind tricubes what I want to know is this 1malaysia email will be like use
> hotmail muahahahaha.
> Best Regards,
> Mohd Fazli Azran
> Sent by my BlackCerry® Smartphone Powered by Wireless DIGImon
> ------------------------------
> *From: * Hanxue Lee <>
> *Sender: *
> *Date: *Wed, 20 Apr 2011 21:28:06 +0800
> *To: *<>
> *ReplyTo: *
> *Subject: *Re: [osdcmy] RM 50m to Tricubes Bhd to develop 1 Malaysia
> Secure Email Server
> Its a waste of taxpayer money. I do not see a need to develop a service
> (email) which is already well established in the private sector.
> The article did say
> "Najib disclosed today the email account will allow direct and secure
> communication between the public and the government, and is part of a new
> one-stop web portal for government services."
> To give the benefit of doubt, perhaps its an initiative to have a one-stop
> solution for Malaysian citizens to interact with its government, similar to
> Singapore's e-Citizen ?
> Best regards,
> Hanxue
> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 8:01 PM, darXness darXness <>wrote:
>> phew...50m....
>> even we have paperwork,proposal,manpower and all things,will they
>> trust us?that job already taken by tricubes.and i cant thing one way
>> to prevent this.we already have OSDC,but even OSDC is under gov sector
>> (sorry if i mistake about this),already deploy so much FLOSS server
>> inside gov sector,n they look like we doesnt exist.
>> maybe someone should poke "him".....
>> if i got that job,50m.....i will_____.:D
>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2011 at 7:53 PM, Boh Yap <> wrote:
>> > hi, all you FLOSS guys out there,
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > the above article "Tricubes Bhd’s RM50 million contract to develop the
>> > 1 Malaysia email service could be the financial lifeline of the
>> > information technology firm which is at risk of being delisted..."
>> >
>> > The 1 Malaysia Mail Server is meant to provide secure email services
>> > to Malaysians for their dealings with the government, and to counter
>> > the fact that a lot of the free email accounts are hosted on servers
>> > outside of Malaysia, and hence expose the data....
>> >
>> > 50M to 'develop' a 'secure' email server for Malaysians to use??
>> >
>> > And they are going to use MS technology to do it ??!
>> >
>> > <quote>
>> > The Malaysia Insider understands that the 1 Malaysia email service
>> > will be using software from Microsoft, the company that now owns the
>> > free Hotmail account service that has been eclipsed by another free
>> > email provider, Google Inc.
>> > </quote>
>> >
>> > <quote>
>> > The 1 Malaysia email service is part of Najib’s Economic
>> > Transformation Programme (ETP) to achieve developed nation status by
>> > 2020. He said today the RM50 million investment will have a gross
>> > national income (GNI) impact of RM39 million up to 2015 and will
>> > enhance delivery of public services.
>> > </quote>
>> >
>> > Well, well, well..... something funny is going on.
>> > There are perfectly good FLOSS email software, crypto tools etc... and
>> > we (among OSDC) certainly have the manpower & skills to implement and
>> > deploy such solutions.
>> >
>> > Even if a 'bunch of FLOSS' developers cannot do so immediately, giving
>> > funding to the community will allow them to build the skills and
>> > knowledge within 1 year, to do so; and have that knowledge shared and
>> > benefiting a larger community rather than 1 single company!
>> >
>> > And can we do this with 1m, no problem! Even if you spend another 1-5m
>> > for HW ( 1m will buy about  160 or 4 racks full of 1u servers, which
>> > is enough to build a decent cloud...), and even if we DOUBLE all those
>> > numbers, that figure won't go anywhere near 50m!
>> >
>> > A quick look at their website, <> shows they
>> > are using IIS-6.0, not exactly a very secure option. A quick google
>> > found this bit:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > <quote>
>> > Microsoft IIS6 Vulnerability Exposes Website’s Sensitive Files And
>> Passwords
>> >
>> > Security experts are urging administrators using Microsoft’s Internet
>> > Information Services version 6 to exercise extreme care following the
>> > discovery that the popular web server is vulnerable to a simple attack
>> > that exposes password-protected files and folders.
>> > ...
>> > </quote>
>> >
>> > and they have a shopping cart running on the site, on IIS 6.0?, I hope
>> not.
>> >
>> >
>> > Would you trust your data with MS?? I won't.
>> >
>> > What do the rest of you guys say?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > IIS 6.0
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > --
>> > #-------
>> > regds,
>> >
>> > Boh Heong, Yap
>> >
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