
Let us put aside the technical merits of such proposal because to most of us it 
raises more questions that it answers for.

To me, an SSO proposal rather than email would have made a lot of sense with 
myriads of agencies operating their own systems.

On Apr 20, 2011, at 10:22 PM, Raja Iskandar Shah wrote:

> this article includes a response from the pm and tricubes
> http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2011/4/20/nation/20110420155327&sec=nation#13033084438331&if_height=583

Our dear PM is technically correct. It doesn't cost the taxpayers a cent now.

Let us wait for the news when Tricubes start charging an obscene amount of 
money to government agencies wanting to send notices to their users.

Like my good friend at despair.com is still saying, 

If you're not part of the solution, there's a good money to be made in 
prolonging the problem.

Oh and if it gets you off Bursa's bad book, sure why not.


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