Hi Andreas.

Well I have already tried to change the stateset of the geode of the
osgText for example with something like

stateSetGeode->setRenderBinDetails(15, "RenderBin", 

, but it doesn't seem to help. The bigger the renderbin the later it is 
rendered in the scene, right?

        Panagiotis Papadakos

On Thu, 27 Sep 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> Hello everybody.
>> I have a transparency problem which you can see in the attached
>> image. As you can see the strings rendered on the orange
>> window, which is
>> in front of another blue window, have a blue outline from the
>> blue window
>> behind. The strings are in front of a semi-transparent
>> rectangle in front
>> of the semi-transparent window. What might be happening?
> Hi!
> I had the same problem with billboards and I fixed it with setting the
> stateset's RenderBinNumber. RenderBins in OSG is used to specify which
> objects are going to be drawn first.
> -- 
> Andreas Richter
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