Hello Daniel and Jeremy,

>       That said I think that your first solution is the most elegant and
> least resource intensive.  I would think that any shader or scissor
> testing would be slower than direct texture coordinate mapping.   I
> don't know how you have designed your code, but it seems to me that
> having flexible control over mapping the texture to the window would
> be a key design consideration.

I think a shader-based solution would work well, for example using  
fixed texture coordinates on the geometry and sending an offset to the  
shader that would simply offset the actual texture lookup to scroll  
the texture. Instead of updating the actual texture coords on the  
geometry (which is what Daniel is suggesting if I understand  
correctly). Also since the offsetting itself would just be an  
addition, the shader would not really be more complicated (or slower)  
than a basic texture mapping shader.

That would be my first intuition on how to solve the problem, in any case.

Jean-Sebastien Guay     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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