Jan Ciger wrote:
> However, it doesn't solve any of the animation and skinning issues and
> is completely useless by itself. I cannot imagine somebody "bringing it
> up to speed with other kits" from this alone, for that you need
> something actually usable to start from. This is why e.g. osgCharacter
> is a toy only - it does exactly this. You could display a "stick-figure"
> character, but that would be about it. I do not see why somebody would
> spend time on this when he can use osgCal or Replicant that work already?

osgCal/Replicant are great, provided that you want to use Cal3D 
characters only.

I don't think the idea behind osgSkeleton is limited to a transformation 
hierarchy.  Most OSG users know we already have that functionality.  My 
understanding is that osgSkeleton would provide the necessary 
infrastructure for skinning and character animation, and the required 
data could come from Collada, Cal3D, or whatever other plugin that can 
provide it.  Or, as mentioned, the data could be created on the fly in code.

That's the main advantage I see in creating a new nodekit.  It makes the 
rendering orthogonal to the data format.

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