On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 22:04 +0100, Jan Ciger wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Jeremy Moles wrote:
> > To be completely honest, character animation is such a huge issue unto
> > itself that it probably deserves a lot of discussion and review before
> > any steps are taken--but that's just my opinoin. Every time I'm forced
> > to put any thought into the issue, I just get sleepy. What we __really__
> > need is an osgSkeleton NodeKit, which can then be exercised/demonstrated
> > in the Collada importer, but would be usable alone as well in true OSG
> > style:
> > 
> >     osgSkeleton::Skeleton* skel  = new osgSkeleton::Skeleton();
> >     osgSkeleton::Bone*     root  = new osgSkeleton::Bone();
> >     osgSkeleton::Bone*     child = new osgSkeleton::Bone();
> > 
> >     root->addChildBone(child);
> > 
> >     skel->setRootBone(root);
> > 
> > I bet once a basic, simple system was released, people would go to town
> > making the necessary changes to bring it up to speed with other kits. It
> > wouldn't have to be perfect, but as long as it was adaptable and done in
> > true OSG fashion, people could subcass things in osgSkeleton for their
> > own uses or to inject their desired interpolation algorithms (which is a
> > big area of interest for animations buffs)...
> > 
> I have seen this only now, in Vladimir's reply. Well, this would provide
> a very rudimentary code for transformation hierarchies, nothing more. In
> fact, you can already do this with osg::MatrixTransforms or some
> subclass of them - a bone is nothing more than a transform, plus some
> extra data for skinning.
> However, it doesn't solve any of the animation and skinning issues and
> is completely useless by itself. I cannot imagine somebody "bringing it
> up to speed with other kits" from this alone, for that you need
> something actually usable to start from. This is why e.g. osgCharacter
> is a toy only - it does exactly this. You could display a "stick-figure"

Nothing more was ever implied given the code provided, so I'm not sure
why you even brought this up? The example is clearly a purposefully
succinct and shortened summation. What "brings it up to speed" is adding
the mixing, interpolation, etc, which I also mentioned at the end of the

> character, but that would be about it. I do not see why somebody would
> spend time on this when he can use osgCal or Replicant that work already?

Secondly, and I'm not speaking as a total foreigner here since I do have
a lot of experience w/ Cal3D and a decent amount of affiliation with the
project, "when he can use osgCal or Replicant that work already" is
really the issue that is up for debate in my mind.

Vladimir has made many posts regarding his changes to osgCal2 today, and
from the information I can gather he was required to basically
re-implement portions of Cal3D in his plugin just to get acceptable
performance and support for hardware skinning. It sounds like osgCal2 is
really more of a hybrid Cal3D adaptation than just a simple Cal3D
wrapper/plugin. While his changes my create the outward appearance of
animation "working already", as a developer it certainly doesn't qualify
as such to me, though I often admittedly fall victim to putting too much
emphasis on the wrong things.

Perhaps Cal3D just isn't the tool for the job here. Or at least, it
shouldn't (and perhaps I'm wrong for believing will become as much) be
THE character animation solution for OSG, long term.

At any rate, unless I'm willing to step up and code to solve the
problem, I probably shouldn't say too much more on the issue. Unless I'm
able to provide real working code, it just looks like I'm forum
trolling, which I'm not trying to do. :)

> Regards,
> Jan
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