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Jason Daly wrote:

> osgCal/Replicant are great, provided that you want to use Cal3D 
> characters only.

Why? Where is a problem about taking a character/animation from Collada
and creating the Cal3D skeleton structure from it on loading? That is
what the Cal3D loaders do. Cal3D doesn't really expect anything exotic,
so it should be very easy to do. I didn't do it for mesh, but I had a
Cal3D character skeleton created and driven from "outside" before.
Nothing crazy was required.

The only exception are probably LOD levels in Cal that work in a bit
unusual way - by collapsing mesh dynamically - instead of the more
"normal" way of swapping around different meshes, but that is not really
an issue, especially if the software skinning in Cal is not used.

> I don't think the idea behind osgSkeleton is limited to a transformation 
> hierarchy.  Most OSG users know we already have that functionality.  My 
> understanding is that osgSkeleton would provide the necessary 
> infrastructure for skinning and character animation, and the required 
> data could come from Collada, Cal3D, or whatever other plugin that can 
> provide it.  

That is fine, but I do not see much point in it - it would be only
re-implementation of what already exists in Cal3D.

> That's the main advantage I see in creating a new nodekit.  It makes the 
> rendering orthogonal to the data format.

Is the current Cal3D situation different? Non-orthogonal? I understand
that you are somehow implying that without using the Cal3D data formats
you cannot use Cal3D library. That isn't the case, as outlined above.
Cal doesn't care where the data come from once they are loaded. If you
load them from Collada file, no problem.


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