Hi Robert,

> The defaults settings in osgViewer can't cope with novel display
> arrangements, and this is well beyond the scope of
> WindowSystemInterface as once you start going beyond nx1 displays
> things can very rapidly get very complicated.

Nothing novel in this case, just trying to get something as general as I 
can (so it can be used with little to no modification in most of our 

> The right way to handle complex screen arrangements is to use a
> configuration file that is set up to describe the displays you have
> and the view and projection matrix offsets that are appropriate for
> them.

That's what I was thinking too, and it's a bit cumbersome. I would have 
liked to be able to get the info I need from the display driver (since 
it obviously has it, in order to set up the desktop correctly). But I 
haven't had the time or the energy to get into this yet.

> In the meantime you could use the .cfg plugin to read a Producer style
> configuration file to describe your display layout and then just load
> this into your viewer. i.e.
>  osgviewer cow.osg -c twobytwo.cfg

I haven't been able to get much documentation about the Producer 
configuration file format, nor any good examples. Do you have any 
pointers on this?


Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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