On Mon, Feb 25, 2008 at 6:06 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
>  > The defaults settings in osgViewer can't cope with novel display
>  > arrangements, and this is well beyond the scope of
>  > WindowSystemInterface as once you start going beyond nx1 displays
>  > things can very rapidly get very complicated.
>  Nothing novel in this case, just trying to get something as general as I
>  can (so it can be used with little to no modification in most of our
>  projects).

Trust in configuration files, they are very powerful for this type of
stuff.  For instance you can have it work on one screen of your four
using one file, then another configuration file can set up all four.
etc. etc.

>  > The right way to handle complex screen arrangements is to use a
>  > configuration file that is set up to describe the displays you have
>  > and the view and projection matrix offsets that are appropriate for
>  > them.
>  That's what I was thinking too, and it's a bit cumbersome. I would have
>  liked to be able to get the info I need from the display driver (since
>  it obviously has it, in order to set up the desktop correctly). But I
>  haven't had the time or the energy to get into this yet.

Well if you get can reliable geometry information then it might give
up a better leg up if choosing appropriate defaults.  However,
configuration files are the most flexible way to do things.   You can
have quite high level configurations like I've down so far with the
.new configuration files in the OpenSceneGraph-Data/Configuration
directory.  These high level functions just set the parameters use by
the setUpView*() methods.  Perhaps one can add further setUpView*()
methods such as for a NxM power wall (in your cane N=2, M=2) and then
add this to .view support.

>  > In the meantime you could use the .cfg plugin to read a Producer style
>  > configuration file to describe your display layout and then just load
>  > this into your viewer. i.e.
>  >
>  >  osgviewer cow.osg -c twobytwo.cfg
>  I haven't been able to get much documentation about the Producer
>  configuration file format, nor any good examples. Do you have any
>  pointers on this?

Producer has the BNF file for the format and a set of examples .cfg,
you'll need to search Producer distribution itself.

There is also the option of just rolling ones sleeves up and adding to
the work I've started in the src/osgPlugins/osgViewer which provides
the .view implementation.  The .view format is just an extension of
the standard .osg format.


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