Robert Osfield wrote:

>Hi Paul,
>On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 11:44 AM, Paul Melis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> This probably needs manual intervention to do an update, as I currently get
>> 12:43|[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/c/osg-svn> svn up
>> svn: Failed to add directory 'include/OpenThreads': object of the same
>> name already exists
>> First removing include/OpenThreads and src/OpenThreads seems to do the
>> trick (with an extra svn cleanup)
>Aarggg, I was hoping this would go more smoothly.  To be clear did you find:
>  svn cleanup
>  svn update
>To be sufficient, or did you manually have to remove include/OpenThreads and
I removed the OpenThreads dirs manually. I think an svn update after 
that will be sufficient.

The reason for having to do a cleanup in my case was because of the svn 
update _before_ the OpenThreads dirs were removed. I think this 
introduced some kind of svn lock.

Just curious: did you remove the svn:externals and add the OpenThreads 
files _in the same svn revision_? I would expect that a revision in 
which the svn:externals is removed followed by a revision in which the 
files are added to work correctly without needing the above manual stuff.


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