Bonjour Jean-Baptiste,

Thank you for these quick answers. Blender can export in .3ds file, but it is the use of this export function I would like to avoid. In fact I observed that if I save my 3D objects in blender format and then open the file .blend, there is no problem, my objects have kept the transform properties (dimension...) I set. But if I export to 3Ds and then I import the generated 3ds file with blender, the dimension of my object have changed. I don't know why. That's why, I would rather use .blend file, because i need specific and realist dimensions for my OSG application.

Try the blender-osg exporter posted earlier

It has worked well for me (even though I have not used it that much). It preserves the hierarchy, but you need to take care when you do some things (like applying textures) to make sure they survive the export and come out correctly in OSG.

Here is my collection of links when I had to explore the world of Blender-OSG exporting. :)

Note: I am *not* a modeler. I just play one on TV. ;)

Hope this helps,

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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