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Markus Hein wrote:

> classic Live-CD remastering  sounds for me like a time consuming and 
> unflexible approach, but it could work.

I do not see why inflexible - there are actually automated tools for
this today. Boot the image, change what you need and have the scripts
build you a new image with your customizations in already.

> Today, a lot of improvements exists to build such systems automated in
> minutes. The Debian "live-helper" Package contains  the  tools you will
> need to let your machine build a "Application System" for the target
> machine , containing the latest Packages, Security Fixes etc. from a
> repository.
> A good starting point:   http://debian-live.alioth.debian.org/
> After installing the "live-helper" package you can start to build a
> live-image from a config file.

Sounds interesting, will have a look.

> If you need to boot multiple machines for your "classroom application" :
> Instead of booting machines via CDROM, USB-Stick etc. it is faster to
> boot the  clients in your classroom via PXE NetBoot from a
> terminalserver application on a server machine. The terminalserver is
> automatically configuring the clients in the network and  feeds them
> with the application. Different machines can boot  the same ISO with
> machine specific boot options so there are a lot of possibillities.
> Under my testings, such a system was up and running after 2-3 minutes. 
> Booting directly into the application can be done, so that osgViewer
> worked fullscreen after pressing the power button.
> btw.  there  was 4 different machines in my  "classroom", and it also
> worked fine even if the clients PC Hardware  in use  was different

Well, the whole idea of a usb stick or Live CD is to be able to use it
even when the infrastructure is not in place. If you have a PXE server
running and all this, you can as well have the machines pre-installed
for what you need ...

Typically, I want to give the CD for the students to use at home, in the
classroom I rarely need these kludges.

> About the Major Distri's:
> I have tested a lot of them but I really don't  know about existing 
> Major Linux Distrubution which supports all needed steps for the
> creation of  such a  OSG-Application System out of the box, but the
> interested user can find a lot of some really useful implementation  in
> smaller  Linux  distris.

Mandriva has a good Live distro, even running from a USB stick. Another
tiny one I am using from a USB key is RIPLinux. I didn't try to remaster
that one, though.

Of course, almost nobody ships current OSG, but that you will probably
want to compile anyway, together with your app for the target system.

> You can just   test how such concrete ISO works if you like . It
> contains the OS, KDE, OSG, Zero Ballistics Game Beta-Test and working
> graphics hardware detection, 3D driver download. It installs the 3D
> driver on the fly .
> http://debian.tu-bs.de/project/kanotix/preview/kanotix-ng-zb.iso
> http://debian.tu-bs.de/project/kanotix/preview/kanotix-ng-zb.iso.md5

Interesting, will have a look.


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