Hi John,

On Tue, Jun 3, 2008 at 9:21 AM, John Vidar Larring
> I have created a new page on the wiki that list all the example programs
> that comes with OSG in table form. In the TOC is listed under "Documentation
> | Examples". If you (excl. Robert at this point) are familiar with or have
> authored any of the example programs, then please go to the page below and
> add you input. Newbies like me will be ever so grateful.
> http://www.openscenegraph.org/projects/osg/wiki/Support/Examples

This is a good start.  One could link the actual example code
available in svn to the example as well so one can browse the source.
One could also introduce an extra column for an screenshot and a
column for the main classes used in the example, in addition to the
wordy explanation.

I have a threading bug to chase up right now so I'll get my head down
once again...

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