Hi Paul,

I wasn't suggesting that _apps_ link statically, merely that the plugin DLLs link statically against their (non-OSG) dependencies.

Ah, I hadn't seen it that way. It would in that case increase the size of plugins that use the same dependencies (zlib is used by multiple plugins I think), and the thing with multiple OSG versions using more space would remain. But it would be much better than linking apps statically.

Well, it was more of a philosophical question, but a poll would be interesting. Using the ML for that will be horrible, although easy to do. I don't think trac supports polls out of the box. If we could have a web-based poll on the forum site we'd only have to publicize it on osg-users.

I think we could "use" Gordon's http://www.vis-sim.com/ for that, it already has lots of OSG-related content so it wouldn't be out of place. But I agree, it's not as active as the mailing list, so we'd need to publicize the poll on the mailing list.

What do you mean with the 4th mailing list for 64 bit, b.t.w?

Not 4th mailing list, 4th option in your enumerated list of possibilities of using prebuilt vs self-compiled OSG/dependencies. Mike's 3rd Party binary package is for 32 bit, so if I want to compile OSG in 64 bit I'll have to recompile the dependencies in 64 bit myself.

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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