Paul Melis wrote:
Gordon Tomlinson wrote:
No problem doing a poll on, the form is
setup for users to create polls...
Would voting there imply registration on the forum?

I've tried to formulate a poll below. It's impossible to cover every possibility, of course.
Hmm, people that are merely trying out the OSG and using Mike's prebuilt OSG binaries might not have a clue what dependencies we're talking about, as these are included in the package already.

For OS/X there are no prebuilt packages, right?

"How do you get your OpenSceneGraph binaries?"

(Windows) I use Mike Weiblen's precompiled binaries for both OSG and its dependencies
(Windows) I compile OSG from source, but use precompiled dependencies
(Windows) I compile OSG and its dependencies from source
(Windows) Other
(Linux) I compile OSG from source myself
(Linux) I use packages provided by my distribution
(Linux) Other


( please note I have * on new account addresses disabled due to
high spam attacks, I will turn this off if needed

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Paul Melis
Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 11:12 AM
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] problem with osg 2.4 stable release

Hi J-S,
Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
Yes, the increase in size would be a downside. But disk space and memory are fairly cheap these days. I suspect only a small number of plugins would increase (jpg, png, tiff, jp2).
I think we need to quantify it. Then we can evaluate if it's significant or not.

If I have 16 OSG apps which all include (for example, I didn't try it) 5MB of dependencies statically linked each, that's 80MB instead of 5 (for the DLLs which could be shared). However, if I need to link to a specific version of OSG+deps, I'd need my application to include the specific DLLs in its directory anyways, so no savings there...
I wasn't suggesting that _apps_ link statically, merely that the plugin DLLs
link statically against their (non-OSG) dependencies.
Perhaps linking to static dependencies could be an option in the CMake generation process, with the deps binary packages including static libs, and the default being static. Then if others want to compile and link to DLLs, they can switch the option in OSG's CMake config.

Here I am suggesting ideas which I don't have time to implement... Shame on me.
Spoken like a true open source contributor :)
It would be interesting to know which users specifically are having
1. using prebuilt OSG + dependencies (either Mike's deps or perhaps from the gnuwin32 project), not compiling their own app, are merely trying out the OSG 2. using prebuilt OSG + dependencies, are compiling their own app 3. using prebuilt dependencies, compiling OSG from source, compiling their own apps 4. compiling everything from source
Are you suggesting a poll? Doing this on the mailing list would be a bit hard to keep track of... (Incidentally, I'm mostly in 3, though I'll have to move to 4 for 64 bit soon). Does the wiki have a poll functionality? Or perhaps we could use Gordon's forum for that?
Well, it was more of a philosophical question, but a poll would be
interesting. Using the ML for that will be horrible, although easy to do. I don't think trac supports polls out of the box. If we could have a web-based
poll on the forum site we'd only have to publicize it on osg-users.

What do you mean with the 4th mailing list for 64 bit, b.t.w?


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