Just a little up

No one has ever tried to put a background on a osgText ?


2008/7/9 Vincent Bourdier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi all,
> I'm looking at a way to put a geometry (planar surface) as background of an
> osgText...
> I was thinking on a mix between billboard geode, and something else to
> manage the geometry to have the size constant in screen coordinates... but
> no way to do it as simply as osgText !
> Is there any implementation approaching what I intend to do ? I hope yes...
> else...
> Am I obliged to implement my self something from zero ? any idea to do it
> more faster ?
> Is it interesting for OSG to have this as a new feature for osgText::text ?
> thanks,
> regards,
> Vincent
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