Hello Ümit,

I have tried "terrainScaleMAT->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode( GL_RESCALE_NORMAL, osg::StateAttribute::ON );" pattern but the result is same. There is no light effect on the terrain. I don't understand why?

As Gordon said, check if your terrain has normals in the first place... Rescaling non-existing normals won't do anything :-)

In your .osg file, check for normalArray under your Geometry, and check that normalBinding is set to PER_VERTEX. If the model has no normals, you can generate them with a modeling tool or use the osgUtil::SmoothingVisitor to create smooth normals across the surface.

And BTW, yes you're right that the two suggestions I gave before were mutually exclusive, i.e. if you checked your model and changed the TexEnv in it you don't need a NodeVisitor to do the same thing...

Oh, just another little thing, are you sure you're reloading the .osg model and not the original one without your changes?

Jean-Sebastien Guay    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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