
After some more debugging I got next:

file <osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector.cpp>

"lost" Transform/Geode/drawable reaches this expression
line 388: drawable->accept(ti);

but next "if" executes time by time(drawable->accept fails in some situations).
if (ti._hit)

It means that error is in the drawable->accept(ti). I can't say any more 
because I have not enough knowledges about OSG.

I think I have found place where error with intersection is. While debugging I 
got next results:
In file <osgUtil/IntersectionVisitor.cpp>
void IntersectionVisitor::apply(osg::Node& node),
void IntersectionVisitor::apply(osg::Group& group) etc.
all ok, names of intersected objects appeares all times it must be
(std::cout << "Node appy= " << node.getName() << std::endl;)
file <osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector.cpp>
function void LineSegmentIntersector::intersect(osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor& 
iv, osg::Drawable* drawable)
in line 338 expected name also appeares 
but line 444 (osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector.cpp) (insertIntersection(hit);)
sometimes never executes!
It means that problem somewhere in osgUtil/LineSegmentIntersector.cpp

28.07.08, 22:44, "GMD GammerMaxyandex.ru" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Here is the small example, where described problem appeares. Example is 
> modified example of osgpick (chenged code which returns name of object and 
> osg scene). To see this problem you must go in the deep of room (way is 
> showen in 00.jpeg). Then you need make several clicks in different positions 
> (movements bitween positions must be small) and you will see that cursor 
> often falls throught the object over which cursor is (possible positions is 
> showen on 11.jpg). There is two archives in attachement (with textures and 
> without them). Code is in osgpick.zip file which taken from example osgpick. 
> I hope this is enough to illustrate described problem. And I think it will be 
> not good if this error appeares in this release (2.6.0).
> Thanks, Max.
> files:
> (download: enter number, click green button)
> http://narod.ru/disk/1711280000/osgpick.zip.html
> http://narod.ru/disk/1711073000/00.JPG.html
> http://narod.ru/disk/1711279000/11.JPG.html
> http://narod.ru/disk/1712663000/museum_with_textures.zip.html
> Thanks, Max.
> 28.07.08, 10:47, "GMD GammerMaxyandex.ru" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Ok, I'll make small example and show where problem occures. I'll try do 
> > this today.
> > 28.07.08, 00:33, "sherman wilcox" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > Can you make a small and simple prototype that *reliably* reproduces
> > > the problem? You have a better chance of getting help that way.
> > > On Sun, Jul 27, 2008 at 2:50 AM, GMD GammerMaxyandex.ru
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Some offers of OSG 2.6.0( problems with new version).
> > > > Let's wait with OSG 2.6.0 release.  I asked this because I found a 
> > > > problem with osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector function.
> > > > In OSG v 2.5.5 version of OSG function 
> > > > viewer->computeIntersections(x,y, hlist) works very strange - when 
> > > > cursor movements over object is short it(cursor) falls throught the 
> > > > object and function returns name of object which is behind 
> > > > current(object over which cursor is). In earlyer(less 2.5.2) versions 
> > > > of OSG this error has never appeared. How can I solve this problem in 
> > > > this(2.5.5) version of OSG?
> > > > It is necessary to solve the problem until  OSG 2.6.0 release.
> > > > Thanks in advance.  Best regards, Max.
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