Hi again,

I have problems to get my apps to find the plugins. Or rather, there seems
to be some issue with the executable. I'm loosing my mind over this today so
if someone have some insights I would be more than happy!

So I'm on a Mac  with Leopard(10.5.4)
I tested to build using CMake to generate a Xcode project. I built for 10.5
deployment from Xcode and ran the install scripts using sudo in the
terminal. Then I set my OSG_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/osgPlugins-2.6.0 so
those would be found. I also set the OSG_FILE_PATH to where I put those

The examples that installed in /usr/local/share/OpenSceneGraph/bin worked
fine from the command line.

So far, so fine.

Then I proceeded to create a xcode project for a simple OSG app that reads a
png file from the resource bundle. But it can't seem to find the plugins...
I can't find the source to this issue so I would be glad if someone could
tell me in the right direction.

- Is it really so that the plugin can't be found? How is that possible? The
examples had no problems?
- Can there be some binary incompability? Should I turn on some switch in

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