You should use the same version as you used with OSG v2.6.0.

On Windows, I'm using Mike Weiblen's prebuilt 3rdParty binaries, at svn rev

> Hi Paul.
> >> I'd like to open this up for testing to anyone willing to help out.
> Check out 2.6.1 from here:
> OpenSceneG
> raph-2.6
> >snip snip
> Can you confirm the versions of the 3rd party libraries that 
> you're using with this release please.
> For info, I've compiled the following from source with 
> Windows XP, VS 2008, and CMake 2.6.1 zlib 1.2.3 lpng 1.2.8 
> jpeg 6b-4 libtiff 3.8.2 libungif 4.1.4 Freetype 2.3.5 glut 3.7.6
> Compilation issues are...
> 1. The version of LibTiff I have doesn't create a debug 
> version, so CMake issues a warning that says it will use the 
> release version instead.  Any suggestions to fix this would 
> be welcome.
> 2. I get errors with ReaderWriterGif (see below) which 
> suggests that I've either got the wrong version, or I need to 
> edit libgif's makefile to generate something that OSG can use.
> 3. A tool "genwrapper" is not recognised (see below for the full error
> message)
> I've written up what I've done to compile the 3rd party libs. 
>  If it will help, I'll make the notes and the compiled 
> libraries available once these issues are resolved.
> Gary.
> ------ Build started: Project: Plugins gif, Configuration:
> RelWithDebInfo Win32 ------
> Compiling...
> ReaderWriterGIF.cpp
> Compiling manifest to resources...
> Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Resource Compiler Version 
> 6.0.5724.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
> Linking...
> ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external 
> symbol __imp__DGifCloseFile referenced in function "unsigned 
> char * __cdecl simage_gif_load(class 
> std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,int 
> *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
> (?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> td@@@std@@
> PAH11PAPAVGifImageStream@@@Z)
> ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external 
> symbol __imp__DGifGetLine referenced in function "unsigned 
> char * __cdecl simage_gif_load(class 
> std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,int 
> *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
> (?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> td@@@std@@
> PAH11PAPAVGifImageStream@@@Z)
> ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external 
> symbol __imp__DGifGetImageDesc referenced in function 
> "unsigned char * __cdecl simage_gif_load(class 
> std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,int 
> *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
> (?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> td@@@std@@
> PAH11PAPAVGifImageStream@@@Z)
> ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external 
> symbol __imp__DGifGetExtensionNext referenced in function 
> "unsigned char * __cdecl simage_gif_load(class 
> std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,int 
> *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
> (?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> td@@@std@@
> PAH11PAPAVGifImageStream@@@Z)
> ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external 
> symbol __imp__DGifGetExtension referenced in function 
> "unsigned char * __cdecl simage_gif_load(class 
> std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,int 
> *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
> (?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> td@@@std@@
> PAH11PAPAVGifImageStream@@@Z)
> ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external 
> symbol __imp__DGifGetRecordType referenced in function 
> "unsigned char * __cdecl simage_gif_load(class 
> std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,int 
> *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
> (?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> td@@@std@@
> PAH11PAPAVGifImageStream@@@Z)
> ReaderWriterGIF.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external 
> symbol __imp__DGifOpen referenced in function "unsigned char 
> * __cdecl simage_gif_load(class 
> std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > &,int 
> *,int *,int *,class GifImageStream * *)"
> (?simage_gif_load@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> td@@@std@@
> PAH11PAPAVGifImageStream@@@Z)
> D:\OSG\osg261rc1\bin\RelWithDebInfo\..\osgPlugins-2.6.1\osgdb_
> gif.dll :
> fatal error LNK1120: 7 unresolved externals Build log was 
> saved at 
> "file://d:\OSG\osg261rc1\src\osgPlugins\gif\osgdb_gif.dir\RelW
> ithDebInfo
> \BuildLog.htm"
> Plugins gif - 8 error(s), 0 warning(s)
> ------ Build started: Project: wrappers, Configuration: RelWithDebInfo
> Win32 ------
> 'genwrapper' is not recognized as an internal or external 
> command, operable program or batch file.
> Project : error PRJ0002 : Error result 255 returned from 
> 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe'.
> Build log was saved at
> "file://d:\OSG\osg261rc1\wrappers.dir\RelWithDebInfo\BuildLog.htm"
> wrappers - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Build Log
>       Build started: Project: wrappers, Configuration:
> RelWithDebInfo|Win32
> Command Lines
> Creating temporary file
> "C:\DOCUME~1\U00034~1.WIN\LOCALS~1\Temp\BAT000E8310042088.bat"
>  with contents [ @echo off genwrapper -c 
> D:/OSG/osg261rc1/src/osgWrappers/genwrapper.conf -t 
> D:/OSG/osg261rc1/src/osgWrappers/Doxyfile.template -d 
> D:/OSG/osg261rc1 | doxygen - genwrapper -c 
> D:/OSG/osg261rc1/src/osgWrappers/genwrapper.conf -l
> D:/OSG/osg261rc1
> if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError
> goto VCEnd
> :VCReportError
> echo Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code 
> from exit 1 :VCEnd ] Creating command line 
> "C:\DOCUME~1\U00034~1.WIN\LOCALS~1\Temp\BAT000E8310042088.bat"
> Output Window
> 'genwrapper' is not recognized as an internal or external 
> command, operable program or batch file.
> Project : error PRJ0002 : Error result 255 returned from 
> 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe'.
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