
I have just read the thread you started on overriding swapBuffersImplementation() and the last post I saw was written 38 weeks, 5 days, 8 hours and 55 minutes ago (Thanks gmane), at which time, it appeared that you had not completely and satisfactorily completed the task. At that time, you were, I bleieve, still seeing a black screen even though MyGraphicsWindowWin32 ::swapBuffersImplementation() was being called. Did you get this working to your sastisfaction? What were the associated gotchas?


Jean-Sébastien Guay wrote:
Hi Ed,

Thanks for clarifying, your situation is interesting even though you can't divulge too much (we always like to know the cool new ways OSG is being used!)

For example, I need to add a callback to my viewer, or where-ever it is appropriate, that will be called between the final render of the entire scene graph but before the call to swap the buffers is made. I can't seem to get that working quite right, actually, it isn't working for me at all.

The way I did that was to subclass GraphicWindowWin32 and override the

    virtual void swapBuffersImplementation();

method, doing whatever I needed to do before calling the parent class's version. It works well enough for my needs, though you might have other constraints. In your case of course you'll probably subclass from GraphicsWindowX11, or even straight from osgViewer::GraphicsWindow if you want to get really low-level. :-)

I'm sure there are other ways to do this though, and perhaps cleaner ones too (which I'll be happy to learn about if someone points them out in this thread).

Hope this helps,


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