I may sound ignorant by asking this, but it won't be the first time, so... What are the uses of this capability?

Robert Osfield wrote:
Wow, didn't long for guess that were right on the money ;-)

The screenshot was from me running a new OSG example checked in
svn/trunk, the command line was:

  osgbrower openscenegraph.org opengl.org

And as guessed the actual email I sent it from was :

  osgbrowser gmail.com

The osgbrower code is based on UBrowser/llmozlib2 which is a gecko
based embedded renderer that uses xul-runner 1.8.x.  I've opted for a
less efficient browser but using an unmodified version of xul-runner,
there is a more efficient version of llmozlib2 but this requires
modifications of xul-runner.

The example right now only works under Linux, but with a few
improvements to CMakeLists.txt and the source it should also work
under Windows and OSX.

My attempt earlier today to get the html rendering done in a
background thread failed, so the currently version very crudely
updates renders imagery in the main thread, and also re-renders on
every frame as there is no mechanism for lazily updating without
modifying xul-runner.  The fact that the rendering happens in main
thread is severly gating performance, so I'm typically seeing around
10fps, which is fine for an interactive browser but not in any way
acceptable for a 3D graphics application.

So my next task is get the rendering down in a background thread, but
it might require a bit of contortion as gecko and llmozlib are not not
thread safe, so I'll have to do all calls to it from a single thread,
there are also a few oddities like xul-runner under Linux being
dependant on a dummy gtk window and events that you must create to get
xul-runner working.  Basically it's a bit hacky...

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