Hi Paul,

On 12/2/08, Paul Martz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> And what about the ShapeDrawables?
> Unlike Geometry, there is no way to get vertices from a ShapeDrawable. This
> inherent limitation makes it impossible to export a ShapeDrawable to FLT (or
> any other format that I'm aware of). I'd like to see a replacement for
> ShapeDrawable that derives from (or is based on) the Geometry class. I
> haven't had the time to do this myself.

ShapeDrawable does support the PrimitiveFunctor which makes it
possible to get the vertex/primitive data out - this is how the
intersection code is able to intersect with geometry.  It's not
computationally efficient as the vertex data is generated on demand,
but it does at least enable you to do stuff that wouldn't otherwise be

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