Hi all,

I'm currently working on extensions to our existing application to
allow us to render several (as in 100+) lights in a single scene and
(hopefully) maintain usable framerates. Currently I'm using a cull
callback to create multiple RenderStages so that the lights can be
additively blended into the image after the initial rendering pass
with a global light (like in the osgmanylights example). Since the
lights are all spot lights, the first optimization I used was to
render a cone into the stencil buffer so that only the pixels that
could possibly be affected by the light were re-rendered. This
actually (I think) exposed a bug in CullVisitor's handling of
StateSets, but that'll be the subject of another e-mail once I've
gotten a simpler example coded up to show what happens...

The next step I want to take is to use this cone geometry (or even the
cone's bounding box/sphere) as a pre-processing step to eliminate
portions of the scene graph that won't be affected by the light as
well (since the Stencil buffer test means that the geometry gets all
the way to the raster stage before it's discarded). I'd like some
advice as how to tackle this in a fashion that fits in with the 'OSG'
way to do things. :)

My initial thoughts were to do something like inherit
IntersectionVisitor, but then should this new Visitor return a new
subgraph of the nodes that will be affected by the lighting pass? Or
should it do something like change the nodemasks of the nodes so that,
by modifying the CullVisitor's traversal mask, only the nodes that
could be lit in the lighting pass will be visited? Or should I just
screw with the frustum/polytope of the CullVisitor somehow to make it
a reasonable approximation of the cone's bounding box? I didn't see
any option to be able to specify a bounding volume for a CullVisitor,
but I'd be happy to know that I'd overlooked something like that...

So can someone set me straight? Am I heading in completely the wrong
direction here?

-Chris B
osg-users mailing list

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