
Now that I've had a chance to review the literature, this does seem
like a much better approach. Of course, convincing everyone to throw
away all the work we've done in the mean-time will be an interesting
exercise in diplomacy, but it will be worth it.

Thanks for the pointer.

-Chris B

On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 10:01 AM, David Spilling
>> am I understanding correctly that
>> what's primarily done is to use the Z-buffer to cut down on the amount
>> of geometry that has to be lit?
> From what I understant, that's not quite it. You render the scene with no
> lighting, but enough info per pixel to sort out the lighting later (in one
> lighting pass). It requires multirender targets, as you need things like the
> normal, and (sometimes) the pixel depth, and material properties/material
> index. It's a technique that is fairly orthogonal to the normal rendering
> approach, but from what I've read seems particularly good for large numbers
> of lights.
> However rather than me trying to explain it (badly) I'll defer to the
> various papers on it that you can find. There are also some good demos
> around.
> David
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