Hi All,

I have now completed all my work in prep for the 2.7.8 and am
personally ready to tag 2.7.8, but is the code ready... we I know it
works fine for my under Kubunutu 8.10, but need some feedback from
testing on other plartforms to know if things are working elsewhere.

Since 2.7.7 I've made done a purge on warnings this has taken me a
couple of days to complete, and now all fixable warnings (under g++
4.3.2) are fixed, the ones that remain are down to 3rd party libs save
for one the wrappers (that would break code to fix).  To do the
warnings purged I've enable the OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS to ON,
rather than the default of OFF.   With other compilers we may well see
other warnings generated, this may be bogus or may be not, so it may
or may not be appropriate to fix them. Feel free to post the warnigs
for peer review.

I had to fix hundreds of warnings so have touched many files in the
OSG, an while I've have tried to be really careful about the changes,
a number weren't as simple remove a comma or semi colon, requiring
re-factoring of the code to avoid what the compiler saw as a possible
ambiguity, this re-factoring does up the chance of me inadvertently
introducing a bug.  The warnings did highlight a couple of bugs too,
so these are fixed, lets just hope that the net improvement is
positive...  but don't assume this, test the code like it may well be
buggy with new problems arising in previously solid code.

If testing looks good then I'll tag 2.7.8. If necessary I could make
2.7.8 the branch point for OpenSceneGraph-2.8, but will only go ahead
an do this if the FligthGear project need a more formal tag to base
their own release on.  I'd rather not branch OpenSeneGraph-2.8 today
though as I still some some dev work to complete, and bugs to fix that
I want to make it into 2.8.

Thanks in advance for your help with testing,
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