Good question. It depends on what the default build is from Cmake settings.
I haven't manually changed the complier options so I "assumed" it was opt
(make install) but I'll need to check that.

On 12/19/08 10:27 AM, "Robert Osfield" <> wrote:

> HI Gerrick,
> Are you compiling th with debug build?  I've been compiling this
> plugin and fixing warnings in it, but didn't test the debug build.
> I'll go and try a debug build.
> Robert.
> On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 4:24 PM, Gerrick Bivins
> <> wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> Mac OSX 10.5.6, cmake (makefiles) build
>> I ran into this error when compiling plugins:
>> [ 68%] Building CXX object
>> src/osgPlugins/Inventor/CMakeFiles/osgdb_iv.dir/ConvertToInventor.cpp.o
>> /Users/gbivins/work/APIs/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/Inventor/ConvertToInve
>> ntor.cpp:
>> In function 'void postProcessField(const SbIntList&,
>> osg::PrimitiveSet::Mode, SoMFInt32*, osg::Geometry::AttributeBinding)':
>> /Users/gbivins/work/APIs/OpenSceneGraph/src/osgPlugins/Inventor/ConvertToInve
>> ntor.cpp:653:
>> error: 'dst2' was not declared in this scope
>> make[2]: ***
>> [src/osgPlugins/Inventor/CMakeFiles/osgdb_iv.dir/ConvertToInventor.cpp.o]
>> Error 1
>> make[1]: *** [src/osgPlugins/Inventor/CMakeFiles/osgdb_iv.dir/all] Error 2
>> make: *** [all] Error 2
>> Looks like this line needs to either not reference dst2 or be removed.
>> assert(dst2+newNum == dst && "Something wrong in the loop.");
>> I didn't dig into what the intent for the check was but maybe someone knows
>> if that can be gotten rid of or not.
>>  Gerrick
>> On 12/19/08 9:42 AM, "Vincent Bourdier" <> wrote:
>> Hi Robert,
>> Compilation ok : 0 error, 0 warnings on OSG only (no examples, no wrappers,
>> ...)
>> Under : VS 2005 SP1, Windows XP SP2
>> Regards,
>>    Vincent.
>> 2008/12/19 Robert Osfield <>
>> Hi All,
>> I have now completed all my work in prep for the 2.7.8 and am
>> personally ready to tag 2.7.8, but is the code ready... we I know it
>> works fine for my under Kubunutu 8.10, but need some feedback from
>> testing on other plartforms to know if things are working elsewhere.
>> Since 2.7.7 I've made done a purge on warnings this has taken me a
>> couple of days to complete, and now all fixable warnings (under g++
>> 4.3.2) are fixed, the ones that remain are down to 3rd party libs save
>> for one the wrappers (that would break code to fix).  To do the
>> warnings purged I've enable the OSG_USE_AGGRESSIVE_WARNINGS to ON,
>> rather than the default of OFF.   With other compilers we may well see
>> other warnings generated, this may be bogus or may be not, so it may
>> or may not be appropriate to fix them. Feel free to post the warnigs
>> for peer review.
>> I had to fix hundreds of warnings so have touched many files in the
>> OSG, an while I've have tried to be really careful about the changes,
>> a number weren't as simple remove a comma or semi colon, requiring
>> re-factoring of the code to avoid what the compiler saw as a possible
>> ambiguity, this re-factoring does up the chance of me inadvertently
>> introducing a bug.  The warnings did highlight a couple of bugs too,
>> so these are fixed, lets just hope that the net improvement is
>> positive...  but don't assume this, test the code like it may well be
>> buggy with new problems arising in previously solid code.
>> If testing looks good then I'll tag 2.7.8. If necessary I could make
>> 2.7.8 the branch point for OpenSceneGraph-2.8, but will only go ahead
>> an do this if the FligthGear project need a more formal tag to base
>> their own release on.  I'd rather not branch OpenSeneGraph-2.8 today
>> though as I still some some dev work to complete, and bugs to fix that
>> I want to make it into 2.8.
>> Thanks in advance for your help with testing,
>> Robert.
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