Hi Robert,

Congrats on getting all this work on osgVolume done!

To test out osgVolume you'll need to grab OpenSceneGraph and
OpenSceneGraph-Data (for shaders) from svn/trunk.  I'll be tagging
2.7.9 very soon, so it'll be in this, and obviously the up coming
stable 2.8 release, but I've very much appreciate testing and feedback
prior to making releases so I can make any required improvements in
time for the stable release.

Even though I don't work with volume rendering, I've always liked looking at examples of it. I'd be interested in trying out the example, but I'm wondering:

a) do you have any example files I could use to see it in action?
b) would I need to build the Dicom loader to load these files, or do you have some files that wouldn't need this loader?
c) what are the command lines to use for testing?


Jean-Sebastien Guay    jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com
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