Hi JS,

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Jean-Sébastien Guay
<jean-sebastien.g...@cm-labs.com> wrote:
> Congrats on getting all this work on osgVolume done!

Thanks.  I have to admit it''s not quite "done" yet though, enough for
2.8, but still plenty fun left in developing it further :-)

> Even though I don't work with volume rendering, I've always liked looking at
> examples of it. I'd be interested in trying out the example, but I'm
> wondering:
> a) do you have any example files I could use to see it in action?

I have plenty of example files I've pulled down from the net.  I don't
have any that I own myself to pass on though.  I'm in a bit of rush
right now, but once the dust has settled I'll put up a page on the
wiki that provides pointers to various files.

> b) would I need to build the Dicom loader to load these files, or do you
> have some files that wouldn't need this loader?

No, the dicom load is only required if you want to use dicom image
files.  osgVolume/osgvolume just use the standard osg::Image class for
representing the volume data so you can read these from 3D .dds or
dicom files, or just build up the 3D image from 2S slices.

> c) what are the command lines to use for testing?

There are quite a few options, mainly associated with different ways
of loading data.

To load a dicom image (which is typically a directory containing a
series of 2D dicom images)

     osgvolume mydicomdirectory

Or to load a series of png files as a single 3D image:

   osgvolume --images *.png

To get full list of options:

    osgvolume --help

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