Apparently, it's also broken on VC8.


I've reduced the size of the example program,  removed the OSG
dependency, and getting ready to submit to MS.





[] On Behalf Of Tanguy
Sent: Thursday 29 January 2009 11:43
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: Re: [osg-users] MSVC v9


Hi Guy,


I was able to reproduce the problem on my computer too.

You got my colleagues and I quite puzzled. At this point it's very
tempting to say it's a compiler bug.


I'll do some more investigation. If you don't mind, I'll submit this bug
to Microsoft if we cannot fix it.






[] On Behalf Of Guy
Sent: Thursday 29 January 2009 03:38
To: OpenSceneGraph Users
Subject: [osg-users] MSVC v9


First, sorry Jan!


I'm new to mailing lists and assumed that threads were generated on the
basis of the subject line not who I replied to. Thanks for pointing out
my mistake.





Second, thanks to Tanguy and Ralph for suggestions.


I'm using an old 2.8 Ghz Pentium 4 - so not a dual core problem. But the
error does remind me of threading issues I used to have with
multiprocessor IRIX machines.


I tried using the volatile type qualifier but then I got a load of
conversion errors because MSVC++ v9 didn't recognise the variable as an
osg::Vec3 anymore:


.\dodec.cpp(78) : error C2678: binary '-' : no operator found which
takes a left-hand operand of type 'volatile osg::Vec3' (or there is no
acceptable conversion)

        C:\Program Files\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/Vec3f(152): could be
'const osg::Vec3f osg::Vec3f::operator -(const osg::Vec3f &) const'

        C:\Program Files\OpenSceneGraph\include\osg/Vec3f(167): or
'const osg::Vec3f osg::Vec3f::operator -(void) const'



I've distilled the problem into a pretty simple program - I don't even
need to pop up a window. Some things might look a little odd, but almost
any changes from this point result in correct behaviour. I'm expecting a
list of coordinates from (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) to (11.0, 11.0, 11.0) but as
you'll hopefully see, I get the central part of the array not updating



#include <osg/Geometry>


osg::Vec3 vc[12];


int main( int argc, char **argv )


      int a;

      osg::Vec3   vt[12], p;



            vc[a].set((float)a, (float)a, (float)a+1.0f);



      p = osg::Vec3(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);

      vt[0] = vc[0]-p;


            vt[a] = vc[a]-p;



            printf("%5.2f %5.2f %5.2f\n", vt[a].x(), vt[a].y(),


      return 0;



Two crucial steps are the vc[a]-p stage, and using the local variable vt
for printing because otherwise the array updates correctly.


Any ideas? Such as leave it for Microsoft to sort out!






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