* Robert Osfield -- Monday 09 February 2009:
> The segfault I saw with your example was because the example was
> broken as the viewer wasn't ref counted, this wasn't an OSG bug.

But valgrind/helgrind reported a bug in *OSG*, in the same
area where FlightGear crashes. I didn't let it run over FlightGEar,
but over osgparticleeffects. No "broken example" involved
here. (Unless osgparticleeffects is broken, too, of course. :-)

> I haven't had a chance to investigate the valgrind report though, 
> have you had a chance?

I'm sorry. I know that patches are more welcomed than bug reports.
But it would probably have taken me many hours, if not days, to
understand how the code is supposed to work, before I could even
start to search for the bug. Time that I better spend on (OSS)
projects where I know the code (and that need as much bugfixing).

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