Hi Paul,

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Paul Martz <pma...@skew-matrix.com> wrote:
> Hi Robert -- Thanks for the cleanup, this is great organization.

That's a relief that you find it better, sometimes ideas make sense to
oneself, but in the cold light of day and a fresh perspective of
others its reveal as dumb as bricks :-)

> I recall being kind of strict about _not_ including links deeper than
> "openscenegraph.org". The planet database, for example, is not in the text
> (but I know you recently posted one to demo the curl plugin and your
> DatabasePager mods for 2.8, so I could give a link to that if it's still
> there).

The database is still available, and works just fine with 2.8.

     osgviewer http://www.openscenegraph.org/data/earth_bayarea/earth.ive

The database requires non power of two texture support on the graphics
card which make not it ideal for running on all machines - the
database is the proof of concept test of the work I did on
compressing/decompressing paged data so might be a bit too bleeding
edge for mention in the QuickStartGuide.

I, or others, could easily build another database that is less
bleeding edge.  Anybody got some publically available high res data
they can build an whole earth model from.  Even any other planet/moon
if you have the data :-)

> Should I still cite www.openscenegraph.org as the main wiki page? I see it
> is only a redirector now.

I think that would be best.  We may change wiki down the road, or mix
conventional web pages with wiki done for only sections of the

Perhaps if we can pick standard directories on the server that server
can redirect to the appropriate page on the wiki.

> Anyhow, links deeper than "www.openscenegraph.org" do exist in the text, and
> they are as follows:
>  Subscribing to the mail list:
>    http://www.openscenegraph.org/mailman/listinfo/osg-users
>  Professional Support:
>    http://www.openscenegraph.org/osgwiki/pmwiki.php/Support/Support
>  Mac OS X tips:
>    http://www.openscenegraph.org/index.php?page=Tutorials.MacOSXTips
> So these are the ones I need.
> I'll update the first two URLs to the new addresses as I continue with my
> 2.8 revision.
> For the Mac tips link, does it still exist and is it still useful
> information for OSG 2.8? If not, I'll just cut it from my new revision. Last
> time we did an OS survey, Mac users accounted for 10% of our community,
> putting them third on the totem pole...

The old pmkwiki references will now be broken.

Subscription to the lists will be via lists.openscenegraph.org and the
forum (coming soon) we be via forum.openscenegraph.org.  Blog is
obviously now blog.openscenegraph.org.

The deep linking to parts of www.openscenegraph.org would need to be
by agreed directory names and with server redirect added to hide that
the page is actually located on the wiki.  We you get to the point of
revising the URL's please just shout when you need something tweaked
on the server to make it easier for you.

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