I was writing an application using Qt and osg.
I would like to zoom in and out on mouse scroll.
I could not find a good way to do this, so I came up with:

void osgWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *event) {

   const float delta(event->delta() / (8.0f * 15.0f));

   const float x(event->x());

   const float y(event->y());

   const float ydy(y + delta);

   const int b(osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::LEFT_MOUSE_BUTTON

       | osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::MIDDLE_MOUSE_BUTTON);

_gw->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonPress(x, y, b);

_gw->getEventQueue()->mouseMotion(x, ydy);

_gw->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonRelease(x, ydy, b);


which actually works but it's not so elegant.
Is there a obj->zoom(0.9f); to get 10% closer or obj->zoom(1.1f); to get 10% further for example?

thank you.
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