Hi Jason,

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:14 PM, Jason Daly <jd...@ist.ucf.edu> wrote:
> So, is it your intention that the AudioSink interface would be implemented
> by another plugin (e.g.: an "openal" plugin)?

That's a very good question... how to do we provide an AudioSink, and
how far should we go in automating it.

Tanguy's original implement has the AudioSink base classes attached to
the custom FFmpegImageStream, so you'd read the movie in your
application, then at the application level wire up the audio API to
this image stream via a custom AuidoSink.   My initial plan is to
provide a similar solution - have the application wire up its own
AudioSink to the AudioStream attached to the loaded ImageStream.

The next step after this is open to debate.  With integration of
ffmpeg plugin I wasn't banking on tackling audio integration, but the
fact that ffmpeg doesn't provide means of playing audio means that we
have to provide some mechanism, the application wiring above is one
solution, but it's not the out of the box solution that we currently
have with xine-lib and quicktime so isn't a drop in replacement.  To
have a drop in replacement we'll need to provide a scheme to
automatically provide the AudioSink.

My current thoughts on how to provide this are that we could have an
AudioSink prototype attached to osgDB::Registry that is NULL by
default, but the application developer can assign one, and have this
be cloned by the ffmpeg plugin etc.  Potentially we could assign it on
demand too if one isn't already assigned we could load a plugin such
as a OpenAL to provide it.

Further down the line perhaps the osgAudio library could provide the
AudioSink prototype.

I am open to suggestions on how best to address this issue.  Two goals
are clear - first that app developer should be able to provide their
own audio implementation, and secondly a basic audio implementation
should be loadable automatically as a fallback.  Without the later we
can't even consider deprecating the xine-lib and quicktime plugins.

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