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Hello Eduardo,

Eduardo Alberto Hernández Muñoz wrote:

>> So why should OSG derived code be GPL ed?
> Because I want to reduce the overhead of maintaining the code. I
> already have the GPLv3 for code, Creative Commons for the media, the
> SIL font license for fonts, and probably something else will pop it's
> head. I don't want to have multiple licenses for the same kind of
> data.

The OSG license should not cause you any headaches, because it is
compatible with GPL. You do not need to treat it in any special way
compared to your GPLv3 code.

Regarding multiple licenses - you will still have them, due to the OSG
dependencies (zlib license, JPEG library license, ...)

> Even though my reason to GPL the code is to lower the effort required,
> I do want to clear that it is not my desire that my program is used in
> closed-source projects unless I'm asked for permission.

It cannot be - if your own code is GPLed, then the license does not
allow it already and your are covered. And the 3rdparty code that you
are not the copyright holder of (OSG) is none of your business, to put
it bluntly. If you want to create a derivative work of the 3rdparty code
- - e.g. to take a piece of OSG, modify it and release under a different
license, you need the right holder's permission, as you have correctly
identified yourself.

However, a much nicer approach would be to contribute the changes you
want to make back to OSG instead of locking them away under GPL. While
it is better than making them outright proprietary, it still does not
allow use of that library code in many cases - e.g. many universities do
not have problems to release code as open source, however they often
want their own licenses with various restrictions that may or may not be
GPL-compatible (original BSD license is a great example). For example,
for me is a GPL-ed library a potential liability of wasting my time,
because I could be prevented from distributing my own research code due
to the GPL-incompatible opinion of university legal department.

Considering the benefit you have from using OSG, I do not think that
asking for a bit of payback is so outlandish. Nobody can force you to do
this, but please, do consider this option.



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