Hi Antonin,

As far as I remember, ABSOLUTE_RF_INHERIT_VIEWPOINT reference frame for Shadow 
map camera is  set in osgShadow::StandardShadowMap and should be inherited and 
used by all derived classes including DebugShadowMap, MinimalCull/DrawBounds 
and all three LispSM flavours. So it looks like your problems may be caused by 
something else...

We have been using LispSM with LODs and we have not seen major artifacts since 
this addition of ABSOLUTE_RF_INHERIT_VIEWPOINT which happened after discussion 
you referenced. 

Maybe you are using LODs switched by pixel sizes (not viewpoint distance ) ? I 
have not tested this scenario but I would guess that it would depend on shadow 
map resolution. Its also possible that LispSM skewed projection matrix may 
somehow cause wrong results in pixel size LOD computations. 

Sorry to say that but you caught me at bad moment. I am going on a 5 day trip 
tomorrow and will be offline till next Tuesday.  If you are unable  to solve 
the issue by then, send some more info and maybe we would come up with some 
fresh idea...

Wojtek Lewandowski

From: Antonin Linares 
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 5:57 PM
To: osg osg 
Subject: [osg-users] ViewDependentShadow and Lod

Hi all,

I actualy use LightSpacePerspectiveShadowMap and it's work very well.
but :(
My terrain database lod levels became crazy, he seem to me it's the same 
problem in this thread here. (lod is compute from the shadow camera view point
 instead of eyes points)
So i test to change the shadow camera RefernceFrame to 
in DebugShadowMap but it's made no change.

Wojtek save me !! 
thanks all.

Antonin Linares.


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