Wow, looks great!


[] Im Auftrag von Kim C
Gesendet: Dienstag, 5. Mai 2009 21:11
Betreff: [osg-users] osgOcean release


Hello all,



Many moons ago I emailed the list to announce my intentions of releasing
an ocean rendering library for the OSG. Well after many delays and
things getting in the way i've put some code up for your perusal.


At the moment i have only put the surface simulation and ocean rendering
code online there is more to follow. But I wanted to get this out as a
point for discussion.


It uses a precomputed FFT ocean simulation combined with a geomipmapping
lod algorithm. This has obvious limitations as the ocean surface is of a
fixed size, but I'm afraid I don't have time at the moment to come up
with something slicker. The FFT technique can be used in conjunction
with a geoclipmap approach which I think would allow for an endless
ocean and would be more usable, so if anyone wants to pitch in with that
get in touch as it would be valuable addition and quite easy to slot in.


One of the big problems with the design is turning parts of the shader
on and off. I've used boolean uniforms for this, but it's messy. Ideally
it would be more effecient either to dynamically generate the shader or
insert #defines to include or block out bits of code. I suspect the
latter would be the easiest to implement but i noticed Hydrax chooses to
create them on the fly. I'd love to hear from the more experience OSG
programmers about this, as I anticipate that this aspect will get rather
complicated quite quickly. 


I remember there was quite a lot of interest in collaborating, if the
will is still there get in touch either by email or here and we'll chat
about where we can take it.



So have a play and let me know what you think!













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