
Robert Osfield wrote:
HI Art,

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 10:35 AM, Art Tevs <arti_t...@yahoo.de> wrote:

Couple of months ago as you told about cryptic names of the forum
users, we have introduced rules in our forum. I have also then
informed users, that they have to change there name first. Users
has changed their names. Even more I then took a look into almost
every user's post to see, if he/she is using a "valid" name. Almost
everybody, no I think even every forum user, which has send in the
last months a post has used a non-cryptic, perfectly valid name.

This effort is appreciated, but still forum posts are often distinctively impersonal. It's how we bridge that gap.

OK, part of this users do use only the first name, but wht is wrong
with that? Do you want to force users to use their frist and last
name? Why if somebody do just want to stay anonymous, for whatever
reasons? I think we should allow users to have some kind of free
space. If they like to be anonymous and hide them self behind the
name e.g. "Lilli"  why not? Or do you want that they use "Lilli Li"
(i.e. "Li" as last name)?

The key is not about rights of forums users to remain "anonymous",
the key is being able to track who's who in a big community.  One
might assume a online name that is a nick name or different from your
real name, but it has to be something that is human enough that
others can remember who said what and when.  No post is in isolation,
to be successful at support one has to me mindful of what peoples backgrounds are w.r.t OSG usage. I.e. what platform they are on, what compilers they are using, what previous problems that they've reported, what solution's they've put forward. You can't do support without this ability to match up different threads.

disclaimer: I don't use the forums...

What I've seen from most forums is that people do not sign their
messages because next to the message all their details are displayed
anyways. The details might be bogus/nicknames, but one can enforce
some rules on that (which I think is being done).

Maybe Art can make the forum to mailing list converter add the details
(that are normally displayed in the forum) to the bottom of the emails?
Would this have any benefit?


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