Hi guys,

Just thought I'd chime in with my .02c.  More and more of the emails I
receive do not have a greeting, or even a signature.  There seems to
be a culture shift In the way 'newschoolers'? send email.  Almost as
if email is heading towards the same format as sms.  I agree that it
is impolite and almost rude (apparently spell check has also gone out
of style), but in my opinion it has become a social problem, bigger
than some code on the forum can fix.

I guess what I'm getting at is that I don't think severing ties with
the forum, or inserting the posters name with code is going to make
this problem go away.  I think this is a problem that is here to stay,
and will probably get worse.

I usually flat out ignore emails without a signature, or reply telling
them to tell me who they are before I send a useful response.

Again just the thoughts of an over caffeinated programmer,

On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 9:18 AM, Art Tevs <arti_t...@yahoo.de> wrote:
> Hi Jean-Sebastian,
> Skylark wrote:
>> My suggestions:
>> 1. When the user clicks "reply" on an existing post, when the template
>> is generated, I guess the forum software could insert the name of the
>> user whose post is being replied to automatically, and at the end the
>> name of the user replying? That would give:
>> ---
>> Hi <name of previous poster>,
>> ...
>> Thank you!
>> <my name>
>> ---
>> I don't think that would be too hard.
> Ok, I am working now on this possibility. However, I am not sure if we need 
> to add the <name of previous poster>, because somebody will definitily loose 
> the track, when replying to the post. For example in the thread XMen posted 
> something. The last answer will be from Chewbacca. Then the Luke want to 
> answer to XMen's post, however the template will looks like:
> Hi Chewbacca,
> ...
> Cheers,
> Luke
> So the XMen will be not happy about that because the post seems to go to him, 
> but Chewbacca was who was greet by Luke. So, I think just hte neutral "Hi, " 
> is already enough. I bet, that some of the users wouldn't be able even to 
> fill out the template well, this is my experience.
>> 2. Perhaps you could remove the "post reply" button at the bottom of the
>> thread page, so that users are forced to reply *to* a previous post,
>> quoting the previous post (which is something that's sorely missing from
>> forum posts as well - most of them have no context at all!).
> Ok, I agree, this would be a nice feature. However, this will take some time 
> to implement. Because I would like to remove the double quoted messages out 
> of the reply message. So that we have only one level of depth in the quoted 
> messages. This is still enough, I think. Otherwise the thread get polluted by 
> quotes, which isn't really helping a lot.
> As to the use of names. I have first to implement something, that users can 
> be suspended well. The current roblem is, if I suspend a user and he post 
> something. Then the message for the mailing list is also generated and is 
> just waiting to be sent. So if user have a name "Coca Cola" and has written 
> something. Even if he change then the name when we inform him, the email will 
> still contain the "Coca Cola" as authors name. This require also some time to 
> be work well, hence be patient.
> Cheers,
> art
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