Hi Jean-Sebastian,

Skylark wrote:
> My suggestions:
> 1. When the user clicks "reply" on an existing post, when the template 
> is generated, I guess the forum software could insert the name of the 
> user whose post is being replied to automatically, and at the end the 
> name of the user replying? That would give:
> ---
> Hi <name of previous poster>,
> ...
> Thank you!
> <my name>
> ---
> I don't think that would be too hard.

Ok, I am working now on this possibility. However, I am not sure if we need to 
add the <name of previous poster>, because somebody will definitily loose the 
track, when replying to the post. For example in the thread XMen posted 
something. The last answer will be from Chewbacca. Then the Luke want to answer 
to XMen's post, however the template will looks like:

Hi Chewbacca,

So the XMen will be not happy about that because the post seems to go to him, 
but Chewbacca was who was greet by Luke. So, I think just hte neutral "Hi, " is 
already enough. I bet, that some of the users wouldn't be able even to fill out 
the template well, this is my experience.

> 2. Perhaps you could remove the "post reply" button at the bottom of the 
> thread page, so that users are forced to reply *to* a previous post, 
> quoting the previous post (which is something that's sorely missing from 
> forum posts as well - most of them have no context at all!).

Ok, I agree, this would be a nice feature. However, this will take some time to 
implement. Because I would like to remove the double quoted messages out of the 
reply message. So that we have only one level of depth in the quoted messages. 
This is still enough, I think. Otherwise the thread get polluted by quotes, 
which isn't really helping a lot.

As to the use of names. I have first to implement something, that users can be 
suspended well. The current roblem is, if I suspend a user and he post 
something. Then the message for the mailing list is also generated and is just 
waiting to be sent. So if user have a name "Coca Cola" and has written 
something. Even if he change then the name when we inform him, the email will 
still contain the "Coca Cola" as authors name. This require also some time to 
be work well, hence be patient.


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