> regarding your last post, did you mean that you also tried to extract
angles from a rotation with the website's "matrixToEuler" or a similar
approach, but you encountered  problems that were depended on your current

It was quat to Euler

> i'm not sure what you are meaning with "..it was not a success.."
> does the attachment you included work, and won't it suffers from symptoms,
like described above?

The code is correct to the best of knowledge and of the tests I did, it
worked well.  The problem is that it wasn't compatible to the needs of what
I needed to do.  It has been over a year since I had dealt with it, and so I
don't quite remember the details except to say that it appeared to always
interpret the delta's from a global orientation perspective.  What I needed
is the deltas from its current local perspective, so for example if I just
turned the yaw, and watched the numbers... it looked correct.  The same is
true for the pitch and roll where I would start from the global orientation
and turn one axis exclusively.  Now lets say I apply a 45 angle pitch and
then apply a pure yaw rotation from this new orientation the Euler angles
would interpret that both yaw and pitch were changing, because from a global
orientation they were.

Once I figured out that this wasn't what I needed I finally saw the beauty
of the quaternion and the code snip that I initially sent is what I use

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christian Sam" <osgfo...@tevs.eu>
To: <osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 04, 2009 1:51 PM
Subject: Re: [osg-users] get the x-axis angle of a rotation

> Hi james,
> regarding your last post, did you mean that you also tried to extract
angles from a rotation with the website's "matrixToEuler" or a similar
approach, but you encountered  problems that were depended on your current
> i think the same happened to me: i wanted to get the pitch-angle of the
camera-orientation, to adjust the camera looking straight forward in certain
cases. (think of some: reset view, but only for the pitch angle). i
encountered that multiplying with the inverse rotation matrix of that angle
didn't work if a left or right camera-rotation has been done before.
> (actualy these negative-effects were only obvious when left/right rotation
was larger than 45°. so i don't know if also minor yaw-rotations did harm,
or only rotations exceeding a 45° threshold)
> in the end, it put out that i had to build the adjustment-rotation matrix
not with the pitch but the roll angle of the current camera-rotation in
cases of previous left/right camera-rotations from 45° to 135°
(respectively -45° to -135°)
> 3.)
> i'm not sure what you are meaning with "..it was not a success.."
> does the attachment you included work, and won't it suffers from symptoms,
like described above?
> Thanks in advance,
> Christian
> ------------------
> Read this topic online here:
> http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?p=13519#13519
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