Out of curiosity, do you get similar frame rates on the two systems? Are
the other stats similar?

I had asked about this one time and in the end I decided that it was
using 100% of one core intentionally. The run loop is not throttled in
any way, and so I think it will use as much cpu as it can.

Perhaps the nVidia system is better at offloading working or blocks the
CPU differently than the ATI system. In the end, I think this just
points to the CPU being the bottleneck in the ATI system and something
else (video card?) being the bottleneck in the nVidia system.


Florian Winter wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry for reusing this old thread. It seems that nobody has found a
> solution for the problem yet that also works for me.
> When running "osgviewer cow.osg" on a dual-core PC, I get a CPU usage of
> 50%, which indicates that one core is used at 100%.
> System:
> ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2400
> Windows XP
> However, with the same application, CPU usage is only at 5% on the
> following system:
> nVidia GeForce 9400
> Windows XP
> I have tried --SingleThreaded on the ATI system, but it seems to have no
> effect.
> Furthermore, I also get 50% CPU usage on another dual-core system with
> Windows Vista and nVidia GeForce 9400 if the single threaded model is
> used. With the default threading model, CPU usage goes up to 100%.
> I am using OSG version 2.6.0.
> V-Sync was enabled in all tests (using global driver settings, e.g. in
> Catalyst Control Center). The frame rate was constant and there was no
> tearing.
> So far, I have read all kinds of rumors about this issue from various
> sources. There are even older threads about this on the OSG mailing
> list. This is what I found so far:
> http://lists.openscenegraph.org/pipermail/osg-users-openscenegraph.org/2007-November/004363.html
> http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=445562
> Has anyone found a definitive solution to this problem yet?
> Can anyone confirm or deny that this is actually a problem and not a bug
> in Windows Task Manager showing the wrong CPU usage?
> Has something been done to address this problem in newer versions of OSG?
> Tearing prevention is absolutely necessary in my application, and a
> "manual" implementation of V-sync seems to be not accurate enough for
> the task.
> Thanks in advance,
> fw
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