Does anybody see less than 100% CPU utilization when running osgviewer
cow.osg on an ATI card? I had just been accepting that as normal.


Jason Daly wrote:
> Cory Riddell wrote:
>> I had asked about this one time and in the end I decided that it was
>> using 100% of one core intentionally. The run loop is not throttled in
>> any way, and so I think it will use as much cpu as it can.
>> Perhaps the nVidia system is better at offloading working or blocks the
>> CPU differently than the ATI system. In the end, I think this just
>> points to the CPU being the bottleneck in the ATI system and something
>> else (video card?) being the bottleneck in the nVidia system.
> I doubt that's the case if he's just running cow.osg.  More likely,
> VSync is not being properly detected on the ATI system, so the viewer
> is just running free and not waiting for the frame to be drawn on the
> screen.
> First thing I'd suggest is to make sure you've got the latest drivers
> for the ATI card.  ATI's OpenGL support has gotten a lot better
> recently, so it's possible that a driver upgrade will allow OSG to
> properly detect the VSync signal.
> --"J"
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