Just a follow up question on this, does QT allow a multi-threaded embedded 
osgViewer or is it knocked down to single threaded like what happens to 
osgViewer embedded in GLUT?


-----Original Message-----
From: osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org 
[mailto:osg-users-boun...@lists.openscenegraph.org] On Behalf Of Martin 
Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2010 1:28 PM
To: osg-users@lists.openscenegraph.org
Subject: Re: [osg-users] general questions from a newbie

jterpstra wrote:
> 1) Is this type of integration even possible with QT?

Yes, you can embed a OSG view into a Qt frame, dock window etc.
There are two ways to do this shown in the osgViewerQt  example.
Adapterwindow is easiest, the oosgwidget needs a little fix on windows to stop 
a redrawing bug. (see http://forum.openscenegraph.org/viewtopic.php?t=4432)

> 2) I am lost when they talk about Views, Viewports, Cameras, etc.  Where is 
> a good source to learn about this stuff?

These are roughly the same as in Opengl.
The more important thing to learn is how osg:: Nodes, Geoeds, Geometries and 
Drawables go together
The best place to start is Paul Marz's book 

All this migth be overkill for a 2d map. The new Qt drawing canvas is very 
good, have you looked at the quartely newslatter on Qt's site?

It's free as a download or you can buy a paper copy.

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